Why Tblex light blocks?!
History of autoclaved lightweight concrete

Autoclaved lightweight concrete (AAC) was invented and produced for the first time in the 1920s by Dr. Johan Alex Erickson, an assistant professor at the Stockholm Institute of Technology in Sweden. The motive behind its production was to protect forests and obtain materials with the properties of wood, such as lightness, thermal insulation, the ability to cut and shape, and on the other hand, without the disadvantages of wood, such as flammability, decay, destruction by termites, etc.

After that, in 1945, on the way to the development of this product, German innovators discovered how to cut it, and with the achievement of this technology, mass production began until it was approved and approved by the German standard (DIN) in 1958. since 1960 because of its affordability Construction with these materials, German scientists thought of strengthening it And in the process of this progress, in 1977, these materials in male and female form with precise cuts, problems Construction was kept to a minimum.
Since 1987, with the production of large pieces of this product, a revolution has occurred in the construction time, and the construction time has been greatly reduced, and since 1994, with new researches, the strength and lightness of this product has reached perfection.

The advantages of using Teplex light blocks in the construction industry
Light and resistant

Light and resistant

Stylization of buildings is one of the main concerns of earthquake-prone countries like Iran. Lightening the building by using teplex blocks through reducing the weight of the building skeleton by 30%, as well as 25% of the mortar used during installation, in addition to reducing the destructive forces of the earthquake, leads to a reduction in costs by 30%.

The reason for the lightness of this product is the porous structure created in its constituent concrete, so that 80% of the air inside the primary mortar is preserved and the density is less than 500 kg/m3.

Fire resistant

Fire resistant

Fire resistance is expressed based on the number of hours that materials can withstand a standard fire, and it is called the fire resistance rating (UL), and it is one of the strictest existing construction standards. Teplex blocks have good performance against fire. One of the main reasons is its high resistance to heat transfer due to the use of non-flammable raw materials.

One of the main raw materials used is silica. Silica greatly increases the melting temperature and acts as an insulator against heat, so that the speed of heat transfer in this type of block is approximately 3 centimeters per hour.

sound insulation

sound insulation

Noise pollution in the car life and big cities has deprived human comfort. Therefore, materials should be used in constructions that lead to a reduction in noise pollution in administrative, educational, health, residential and recreational centers, because the control of noise (unwanted noise) in the building has a great impact on the health and peace of the residents.

AAC blocks are extremely sound absorbent due to their molecular structure and the way the pores in them are distributed, and with a reduction of 50 decibels in sound intensity, they are classified in the (very good) insulation category in the ASTM standard.



Thermal insulations include materials that effectively reduce the transfer of heat and cold from one environment to another and are more important than internal blades in the building, in the surrounding walls that are in direct contact with the outside air.

Due to having a large number of cells filled with air, Teplex blocks have good insulation properties against heat. The heat transfer coefficient of this type of concrete is about 10% of normal concrete.

Also, the thermal resistance of the wall made with this product is about 3 times the resistance of similar walls made of clay blocks.

Speed ​​of execution

Speed ​​of execution

Due to the light weight, ease and accuracy of connection between the blocks and elimination of some works, including the initial coating on the walls, the construction speed increases up to 3 times with this method.

Teplex blocks are easily cut, trimmed and shaped, and are also easily bolted in and allow for very small diameter routing for electronic conduits and plumbing.

This flexibility allows for easy installation, design, construction and adjustment in all areas of construction and is an important feature.

Environmentally friendly

Environmentally friendly

Not using clay in the production of teplex blocks: Considering that clay is more suitable for the production of agricultural products, gardens and fields, the use of this product prevents the excessive destruction of the soil and its inappropriate use.
- Not creating construction waste: using other traditional products creates a significant amount of construction waste, which in addition to wasting time and money, also damages the environment.
- Reduction of air pollution: Due to the high thermal resistance and subsequent reduction of fuel consumption for cooling and heating of the building, air pollution is prevented to a large extent.